Online Poker Cheats and Hacks in 2024

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Online poker has revolutionized the game, not just how we play it, but who plays it. Now players can enjoy some hands wherever they are, and for many, it represents an opportunity to earn some extra money, or even have poker become a full-time job.

When money is on the line, people often look for any advantage, and sometimes that may be outside of the rules. Whether you want to win with these strategies or want to know what to look out for to prevent yourself from being a victim of cheating, here are the most common ways of cheating poker in 2024.

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Traditional Cheating Methods

With various forms of poker having been played for hundreds of years, there have been endless attempts at cheating. Whether palming cards to be later swapped in to create winning hands, marking cards to know what other players have in their hands or using sleight of hand to deal from the bottom of the deck and so on have all been successful over the years. |Another is smudging cards, so one card may be used as a 10 when it is not for instance. These were all used to overcome elite poker strategy from the best players, because people want to play poker and win.

But, as with all cheating, people learned what to look for, and today, it would be very difficult to pull off these kinds of cheats in person in a casino. Of course, the other point is that none of these transfer to the digital world, and when online poker first appeared, many thought of it as the more honest version of the game for that reason.

But in reality, all it did was change the kind of cheating that takes place.

Common Online Poker Cheating Techniques:

Whether putting them into practice or knowing what to look out for, there are some common cheats that you will see when you play poker online. Apps and poker sites usually work hard to prevent them, but here are the things you are most likely to come across.


This is one of the most difficult to spot, and as such can be extremely effective. Collusion involves two or more players at the table working together to beat the other players. They know what each other have, can use one player to draw out bids from opponents and gain control of the pot.

If those colluding outnumber the regular players, they can control the entire game at every point and win easily.


Similar to colluding, in that it is using multiple positions at the table to control the game, but instead of different people, it is one person running multiple player accounts all at the same table. Here, on a table of 6 players, they might be controlling 5 of them. The target player will quickly lose theyr bankroll in this scenario.

Poker Bots

Poker bots today are extremely sophisticated, and there are examples of them beating multiple professional poker players at the same time. As a result, deploying a poker bot is one of the most popular options to cheat. They play autonomously, so you don’t need to do anything more than set the bot going. The latest poker AI bots can also play multipl4e tables at once, earning more money per hour as a result.

Real-Time Assistance

While everyone has heard of poker bots, this is the other way to use Poker AI that is not often thought of as a cheat. But in reality, any player having real-time assistance is cheating, and they are getting help that is against the rules of the poker platform.

With these advanced poker training programs, you get an overlay on screen as you play, showing statistics for each player, probabilities for different outcomes and suggestions of what to do next. Using the same technology as poker bots, these real-time assistants are a match for most players and will help you win live, micro stakes, cash games and even tournaments.

However there is another aspect to this that can never be traced, and that is the free poker cheat sheets that you can download from many sites. These simple PDF or Word documents give you the information you need to know what is likely to be the best option at every stage of the game. They are a guide for playing cash games, telling you the best options to buy-in, work out the value bet, when to raise and re-raise and so on. These are all based on probabilities, helping you to choose the right bet sizes, the best bet to make at any time and allow you to profit over the long term.

Superuser Accounts

A superuser account is one that has access to more functionality in the game than the regular player accounts that give the account holder a significant advantage. There are many ways this can work, but the most common is by allowing the superuser account player to see their opponent’s hole cards.

These additional privileges are usually acquired through hacking the client in some way, and is by far the most effective approach to cheating at online poker.

Poker Rooms Actions to Detect Foul Play

Online poker sites and casinos don’t want a reputation of being a home for cheating, it will drive players away. So, they spend a lot of effort in processes and systems designed to detect cheating as it occurs, and make a big deal about banning accounts when caught.

Some are relatively easy to catch, with IP address monitoring catching the basic multi account user, and in many cases, collusion. These real time monitors can catch players as they cheat in live games, but can also spot patterns of a player winning big with regularity and check They also provide tools to help players here, with players county locations showing for all. If every player but you are from one location when you join a table, you probably want to find somewhere else to enjoy your poker.

For AI driven cheats, whether bots or assistants, online platforms use sophisticated monitoring systems to detect patterns of play or other anomalies that they suspect could be automatically generated. These do catch some, although AI poker bot makers are constantly adapting to ensure their products are not caught.


Cheating in online poker is always tempting because there is money to be made from it. However, while there are several ways to do this, the risks with many are high. Collusion and multi account operating can be caught quickly, meaning you lose your account and any funds you had in it.

A similar thing with superuser accounts, they tend to be spotted relatively quickly due to the high win rates that are possible. However, poker bots and AI assistants, while considered cheating by many platforms, can work out, They are easy to use and difficult to detect, and can make money for you over the long term.


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