Can You Be profitable and make money with an online poker bot?
Online poker offers a great way to spend time and have fun for millions of players. However, for some it is more than that. It can also be a source of income, but unless you are a pro player competing in big prize tournaments, making money in 2024 using an online poker platform means spending a lot of time playing a large number of hands.
But is there a better way? Poker bots appeared many years ago, and generated little attention as most human players could beat them with ease. However, as AI developed and because integral to the latest poker bots, things changed. There are poker bots that can take on and beat professional players, so are they the key to unlocking your poker winnings? Let’s take a closer look and see.
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Can You generate a passive income and Make Money With Online Poker Bot software?
So, with poker bots improving to the point that they can beat human players, adapt to different strategies and provide reliable, effective game performance, can you make money using a poker bot? The answer is yes, but with a few caveats.
Playing micro stakes cash games is perhaps the best environment for a poker bot to regularly win money, however by the nature of those games, each win is very small. That means the bot has to play lots of games to generate an income, either through endless hours being active, or through playing multiple tables at the same time, and often both.
This can be an issue as it makes them easier to detect, however, with some precautions, bots can generate regular, reliable profits.
Are Poker Bots good against human players?
AI algorithms allow bots to understand each hand, adapt to player strategy and even bluff if they need to. The result is a poker player who can win against most players. The very best poker bot around beat a table of 5 professional players at the same time.
Not every poker bot is as sophisticated as that one, but most are more than capable of beating new or weak players, which is what most people use them for.
Are Poker Bots Illegal?
It isn’t illegal to use a poker bot, there are no laws that govern them. However, that doesn’t mean that you can just use a poker bot without taking precautions. While not illegal to use, poker bots are against the rules of every major online poker site, and if you are caught using one, it can lead to your account being banned.
What is the profitability of poker bots?
This depends on what you do with it. A poker bot can make hundreds of dollars a month in the right circumstances, but that can vary considerably.
How much Potential Earnings from Poker Bots can you expect as an income?
In theory, a poker bot can run 24 hours a day playing multiple tables and winning more hands than it doesn’t. In that scenario, even in micro stakes games profits would add up to hundreds if not thousands of dollars every week.
However, that perfect scenario doesn’t really exist, and there are a number of factors that dictate just how much profit you actually see from a poker bot.
Factors that can affect Earnings from online poker bots
The first thing to really influence how much you win is the game being played. If your bot is playing at tables with a $5 buy in and winning $100 or more on successful hands, that bot will generate more profit than one that is playing micro stakes with $10 pot prizes.
But that is not all, how long the bot plays matters too. A bot working 24 hours a day will earn more than one operating 4 or 5 hours a day. Likewise, if your bot plays 1 or 2 tables at once, it will earn less than a bot playing 15 tables simultaneously.
Finally, it also depends on your opponents’ skill. If you are playing against better players, the bot will win less frequently than it would against new or weaker players.
Challenges and Risks of the poker bot medium
So, knowing all that, the obvious answer is to set your bot up to play on tables with newer players, for higher stakes, and have it play 24 hours a day on as many tables at once as the bot supports, right?
Here is where you have to balance risks and profitability. The higher the stakes at a given table, the more likely you are to find more experienced players. Similarly, the longer your bot operates in a session, the more likely it is to be detected by the site, and your account banned. That risk is multiplied by playing a dozen tables or more at once.
So, the route to reliable, ongoing profit is not to go for the maximum every time, but to find a balance that brings money in without making it obvious you are using a bot.
How to Create a Profitable Poker Bot Strategy
So, what does that mean in reality? Micro stakes games are the most reliable place for a bot to win, and win consistently with some simple parameters of operation. Scheduling the bot to play for no longer than 5 hours at a time, and restricting it to 2 or 3 tables at most will help avoid detection too, while those lower stakes tables will keep you with the newer and less skilled players for the most part.
Maximizing Profitability with Poker Bots
By adopting that strategy, you have a poker bot setup that will bring in money but also avoid detection, so stay active for longer. It is this approach that allows you to maximize profitability over time with any poker bot.
However you choose to set up and use a poker bot there are two goals, to avoid detection and to win hands of poker. Don’t get fixated on the individual amounts being won, that is short term, you want to win money consistently over a long period.
Overall thoughts on Poker bots
A poker bot has the potential to provide a regular income for you on its own, without you having to do anything other than set it running. For those looking to make money from poker, unless you are one of the few that can compete against the best in big ticket tournaments, a poker bot is probably the best chance you have of turning online poker into an income.
There are things to consider, you must mitigate the risk of being detected or of leaving a bot in an environment where experienced players may recognize what it is and exploit it to win, but when used sensibly, a poker bot can deliver a reliable income.
How much can you realistically earn with a poker bot?
This depends on the bot, the game and the poker site. However, it is possible wo win a few hundred dollars a week with a poker bot by adopting the right approach.
What are the initial and ongoing costs associated with using a poker bot?
The biggest expense is usually buying a license for a poker bot, which can be a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the product chosen. After that, you will need some form of cloud service to hose your bot, which will be an ongoing cost of between $20 and $50.
How does the competition level affect a poker bot’s profitability?
The better the opponents, the less hands your bot will win, and as a result, the less profit you will earn.